May Etsy Faves

I know I'm a day late in posting this (blame it on the holiday!), but I wanted to keep up the monthly tradition and share some of my most recent favorite items on Etsy.  Without further ado.....

Left to right, top to bottom:
1. "yellow" - vintage rose tea room
2. paper airplane earrings - yellow goat
3. sailor knot bracelet - the vamoose
4. "99 balloons" - aimee claire

Left to right, top to bottom:
5. "serene" - charmaine olivia
6. sailor vignette print - dwell deep
7. wool felt california - love california
8. "a deer wearing gym socks" - chrmaine olivia

1 comment:

Park Street said...

Thank you so much for your lovely words, Kayla. I love your roundup of Etsy finds!