a happy thursday

I have been reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project and it has been speaking to me in ways that a book hasn't really done in quite some time.  I like the idea of finding little ways to make my life happier (not that I don't already have a happy life, don't get me wrong), and seeing the bright side in little things throughout the day.  I think it's nice to take the time and reflect on things that make you happy.  The other day I went down to the beach after work to unwind.  I sat on the beach staring out at the ocean, the clear blue water, the seagulls and the otters.  The beach is one of those places that I forget about (you'd think it would be hard to do since it's right there) and it was nice to just sit and be surrounded by such a vast beauty.

Getting to the main point of this post, one of the other things I've found that makes me smile are Gemma Correll's illustrations.  I could spend hours perusing her Daily Diaries and her Flickr photostream.  If you haven't met Gemma, I suggest you go.  Now.  I promise, her work will brighten your day, too.

Below, a few of my faves:

See more of Gemma: web | blog | flickr | etsy

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