september etsy faves

Can it possibly be the end of September already?!  There's no way it can be Fall; we have been sweating out this California heat wave all week.  So from the air conditioned bliss of my studio, I give you my Etsy faves for September. Enjoy!

small to large print: abby trys again
molecule rings: contagious
fox ring with diamonds: michelle chang jewelry
antler necklace: tryst by kerry
striped t-shirt: jen fashion
vintage bottles: hindsvik
box chain earrings: moth house
black garnet necklace: mcgowan mcclain

one canoe two

Sweet bicycle built for eight?  Check.  Mermaid?  Check.  Ultra loooooong weenie dog?  Double check.  I daresay this is quite possibly the cutest calendar I've seen so far this season.  Love.  By One Canoe Two.

(via OSBP)

fun at HITCHED

Ah, good times at HITCHED!  We were a with the remote for the Smilebooth, but we had a great time none the less.  It was so fun to meet all the vendors whose blogs I ogle at every day.  I admit I felt a little like a crazed groupie (Snippet and Ink! Untamed Petals! Urbanic! Succulent Love!) trotting around between booths.  Oh, and spotting Josie Maran?  Well, that just made my night.  See you next time around, girls.  I'll definitely be back for the next one.

today I love...

My friend D. has the most amazing necklace made from a geode set in gold and strung on a slim chain.  She was wearing it this weekend and I asked her where she got it, hoping she would say Etsy or from some local shop.  To my disappointment, I found out that is was made in the 1970's by her husband's uncle.  Sigh.  She always finds the coolest one-of-a-kind stuff.

Now I know I've probably mentioned them before, but I rediscovered Stone and Honey while searching for an acceptable likeness of D.'s necklace.  They have the most beautiful things and are surprisingly well priced.  Head over to their shop and check out their beautiful and unique creations (and maybe get a few holiday gift ideas while you're there!).

happy friday!

I have quite a busy weekend planned!  It is the annual Harvest Festival in our little town, so that means a fish fry, a movie in the park, a parade, annnnnnnnnd wiener dog races on Saturday!  It's seriously the funniest thing to watch, ever.  Oh, wiener dogs, you're great for a laugh.  Fritz and Indy are looking forward to the race this year (they told me so).  Have a great weekend everyone.

Links for your weekend:

rue magazine is live and fabulous!

a sneak peek at my potential halloween costume. ah, but who will it be...?

love love love these boots!

so tempting!

i love this girl's outfit!

breakfast was devoured today here.  their s.f. style french toast is out of this world!

(top image via)

a penpal?

I like the idea of sending post cards.  I think I'll send more.  A little inspiration:

image credits from top: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a love story

This is so sweet, I couldn't not post it.  I can only hope to keep a love like this in my marriage for the rest of my life. xo.

via Snippet and Ink

cinnamon-scented breezes

Well, I am back home in California after a week in Colorado and I must say that a little vacation was just what the doctor ordered.  We had such a great time and the weather near Denver was gorgeous!  It was a little hard to come back to the dreary California coastal weather we have been having, but it is nice to be home all the same.

I've been enjoying flipping through all the Fall magazines, and though it doesn't quite feel like Fall yet, I can't help but make a little wish that it comes sooner.  I LOVE Fall.  The changing color of the leaves, the crispness in the air, and the desire to stay inside and bake.  Now if you know me, you know I don't bake.  But Ms. Fall has wrapped me up in her cinnamon-sugar scented breeze and now I can't resist.  What is happening?  I'm not going to fight it.

With all that said, the Fall issue of Sweet Paul came out yesterday and it doesn't disappoint with all of its autumnal goodness.  Perhaps I'll try my hand at a rustic apple tart to share with friends.  

More eye candy and recipes here.

a well deserved break

I am headed out on vacation for a few days! So excited! J. and I haven't taken a real vacation since our honeymoon two years ago, so it is due. I'll be back posting next Monday, so try not to miss me too much while I'm gone.  Tee hee.  Until then, lovelies, I'll leave you with a few links from this week:

This little guy is too cute!

Dying to make this.

A fabulous save-the-date giveaway for brides-to-be.

I love this engagement shoot!

A fabulous bridal shower.  So coordinated!

Loving Shana Faust's portfolio! (via Grey Likes Weddings)

Great bookshelf inspiration via The City Sage

I love this s'more bar!

Shanna Murray has desktop wallpapers?  For free?!  Where have I been?

See you next Monday, all!


Okay, if you know me, then you know that the title of this post is a big fat lie.  Don't hate.  I don't know what it is, I just would rather eat pie.  Or cobbler.  Or doughnuts.  Mmmmm....doughnuts.  I have to admit that I always feel a little left out at parties and weddings when everyone else is "mmmm"-ing over their slice of cake.  Kinda makes me wish I actually enjoyed it.  Now, pictures of cake (especially ruffly, fancy, girlie cakes)? That I can get on board with.  In fact, I'm feeling a  tad bit inspired by these beauties.  What about you?  Are you Team Cake or Team Pie?

image credits left to right from top: 1 2 3 4 5 6

And speaking of cake, the cake paintings from Paul and Jordan Ferney's art show "Let Them Eat Cake" are available for purchase in Paul's online shop.  I love these!

{inspired by} pinwheels

I find pinwheels to be so fun and inspiring.  They make me feel like a kid again, which is probably a huge part of their charm.  Some fun finds:

images from top:  1 2 3 4 5 6

There is also a great tutorial here if you feel so inclined to make your own. Enjoy!

today I love...

Happy Labor Day everyone!  I wish I could say I was lounging on the beach today with the masses, but, alas, some of us must keep the workforce going.  I figured I was allowed a tiny internet break this morning and I thought I'd share the work of Rachel Blakley who runs the Etsy shop Elephantine.  Besides creating jewelry that I'm dying (dying!) to own, Rachel, herself, is super sweet and writes a wonderfully curated blog by the same name.  I suggest you check out both.  You won't be disappointed.  Happy Monday to you all!

Elephantine: blog | shop

a happy thursday

I have been reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project and it has been speaking to me in ways that a book hasn't really done in quite some time.  I like the idea of finding little ways to make my life happier (not that I don't already have a happy life, don't get me wrong), and seeing the bright side in little things throughout the day.  I think it's nice to take the time and reflect on things that make you happy.  The other day I went down to the beach after work to unwind.  I sat on the beach staring out at the ocean, the clear blue water, the seagulls and the otters.  The beach is one of those places that I forget about (you'd think it would be hard to do since it's right there) and it was nice to just sit and be surrounded by such a vast beauty.

Getting to the main point of this post, one of the other things I've found that makes me smile are Gemma Correll's illustrations.  I could spend hours perusing her Daily Diaries and her Flickr photostream.  If you haven't met Gemma, I suggest you go.  Now.  I promise, her work will brighten your day, too.

Below, a few of my faves:

See more of Gemma: web | blog | flickr | etsy

today I love...

This fĂȘte sends me over the moon!  A little glam, a little casual, a lot of fun.  I've always had this idea of throwing a 1920's-themed New Year's Eve party, but never had the house to do it in. I love the idea of guests coming in black tie attire and sipping champagne from low champagne glasses, great conversation, dancing, and a few memorable shenanigans (of course!).  I'm filing these images away to borrow from should I ever get the chance to host my dream party. Perhaps next year....

All images via Martha Stewart.  See more images here!

(via Coco + Kelley)